Edharkum Thunidhavan Movie Review
I watched Etharkum Thunindhavan yesterday. I appreciate the movie’s following message: 1. Women’s honor, dignity, and worth don’t lie in their bodies. If men had seen a woman nude, it doesn’t impinge on her honor, dignity, and worth in any way. 2. It is men who cheat to obtain intimate footage from women in the name of love who should be ashamed and faulted, not the women who trusted those men. 3. Men who comment, “Link bro. Full video send me bro. So hot bro, how did you nab her bro?” are the ones that should be shamed publicly, not the female victim who was manipulated, forced and publicized. 4. The world should start talking sordidly of the m*n who dupe these women in such videos – the shooter, camera placer, the rapists, not the women in the videos. 5. A body is mere flesh and bone...