
Showing posts from December, 2021

Washing the dirt bags of Malaysia in 2021 my style

  It’s New Year 2022. New Year. Same shit every year. I have refrained from blogging about Malaysian politics but the goings on in Malaysia last year riled me up so much, I am writing about it. History is very important, and forgetfulness is the worst disease. 2021 is marked by a number of fiascos. I don’t want to forget them in 2022 and beyond, hence I am writing this recap of shame to see if 2022 brings any sort of amelioration. I won’t bother name-dropping because actions speak, not names. When MAS air-hostess’ uniform is more important than skyrocketing living costs… Apparently, Malaysian Airlines’ stewardesses’ outfit is too “sexy” for a PAS minister – and he raised it as an issue in Parliament. Why are you ogling at MAS stewardesses when the ordinary Malaysian people are literally paying through their noses to survive? Do you know the price of vegetables and raw food? Can an ordinary Malaysian even dream of owning a home? Looking at where things are going, we may have to buy groc