Washing the dirt bags of Malaysia in 2021 my style


It’s New Year 2022.

New Year. Same shit every year.

I have refrained from blogging about Malaysian politics but the goings on in Malaysia last year riled me up so much, I am writing about it. History is very important, and forgetfulness is the worst disease.

2021 is marked by a number of fiascos. I don’t want to forget them in 2022 and beyond, hence I am writing this recap of shame to see if 2022 brings any sort of amelioration. I won’t bother name-dropping because actions speak, not names.

When MAS air-hostess’ uniform is more important than skyrocketing living costs…

Apparently, Malaysian Airlines’ stewardesses’ outfit is too “sexy” for a PAS minister – and he raised it as an issue in Parliament.

Why are you ogling at MAS stewardesses when the ordinary Malaysian people are literally paying through their noses to survive? Do you know the price of vegetables and raw food? Can an ordinary Malaysian even dream of owning a home? Looking at where things are going, we may have to buy groceries like we buy gold.

Why is being “Islamic” and “moralistic” only applicable to women’s dressing? Isn’t kebaya a cultural attire worn by women in southeast Asia?

MAS air-hostess dressing is the least of Malaysians’ concern. I think this is a gimmick to create a preoccupation with trivialities so that the people won’t focus on pressing issues that are literally making the life of ordinary Malaysians hell.

Timah whiskey – when a whiskey’s name was a national concern, but the people’s struggles are expendable.

Controversy and undue attention to a Malaysian made whiskey’s name was preposterous. Timah, in this context, is tin, not a female Muslim name. Malaysia exports timah as one of the largest timah producers. It doesn’t mean we produce and export female Muslims named Timah. These common-sense lacking bigwigs are what we have leading the country. 

We also have a scholar saying that the floods in Shah Alam was caused by the beer factory there. Then why Kelantan, which is under PAS’ Islamic rule gets flooded every year?

The internet price is so bloody damn high – it’s like a luxury item when it’s a basic necessity, especially for those working from home and students attending online classes due to COVID. The promise to make fast internet affordable and for every home in Malaysia to be connected via Wifi remains a promise.

The epic Malaysian 2021 floods that proved that Malaysians don’t need a government, each other is what we need.

The slogan #kitajagakita united Malaysians like no other govt generated slogan did.

While politicians were busy with printing their names on photos on boxes and bags containing supplies for flood victims, putting on publicity stunts and stopping an ambulance to go first, ordinary Malaysians mobilized relief efforts with the little resources they had.

The money is the people's and the praise is for politicians?

Migrant workers who are often treated with disrespect got down to help the countrymen whose country they eke a livelihood in.

A convict gets to go overseas and gets RM 100 million for “good deeds during premiership.

Lol, wut? Are Malaysians supposed to forgive him like the Mydin owner who forgave thosedesperate people who had their lives turned upside down resorting to stealing food from one of the Mydin stores?

A thief who stole millions from the people is out on bail and can travel overseas to attend a Chinese economicforum – the Malaysian justice system is a joke.

He also gets rewarded RM 100 million for his “stellar premiership” – announced in budget 2022.

I wonder if they know what shame is.

My final message...

For Malaysians, keep all of these in mind when voting for the 15th General Elections. Never forget what we had been dealt with in 2021 when all we asked was for the politicians and the powers that be to do what they are paid by us to do.




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