You Don't Need an English Lit Degree to Write in English

Many of my followers on Instagram asked me for tips to write effectively in English. You can find general tips on how to improve your English writing by a simple Google search. I don't know if my IG followers are too lazy to take such self initiatives or are looking for personalized tips. Either way, I got a topic to write on so it's a win for me! 💥😀😅 While IG is not the best place to showcase your writing prowess, it can launch your writer self up notches. I don't have a degree. For me, it was either my self-taught way or no way Academic qualification wise, I don't have a degree. Armed with a Band 5 in Malaysian University English Test (MUET), I set off on a wordsmith journey. Currently, I work for an eLearning company called Genashtim as a Content Writer . My primary role is content development but not limited to that. I also edit clients' intranet content, review eLearning modules for QA, proofread, and help my colleagues with minor edits. This...