
Showing posts from January, 2021

You Don't Need an English Lit Degree to Write in English

Many of my followers on Instagram asked me for tips to write effectively in English. You can find general tips on how to improve your English writing by a simple Google search. I don't know if my IG followers are too lazy to take such self initiatives or are looking for personalized tips. Either way, I got a topic to write on so it's a win for me! 💥😀😅 While IG is not the best place to showcase your writing prowess, it can launch your writer self up notches.  I don't have a degree. For me, it was either my self-taught way or no way Academic qualification wise, I don't have a degree. Armed with a Band 5 in Malaysian University English Test (MUET), I set off on a wordsmith journey. Currently, I work for an eLearning company called Genashtim as a Content Writer . My primary role is content development but not limited to that. I also edit clients' intranet content, review eLearning modules for QA, proofread, and help my colleagues with minor edits.  This...

Life Extraordinaire Yet Ordinaire

Many people look at me with admiration. They marvel at my strength and willpower in living with my genetic disease that robbed my health and normalcy of life. I disagree entirely that I am strong and have unsurpassed willpower coz I simply did what needs to be done in order to live just like everyone else. I didn't receive any training to cope with my condition – it is all trial and error. Learning on the job. I am a fan of heuristic approaches. In fact, everyone should be. Formal education can’t teach you what life is. You have to go through the wringer on your own. I run a feminist page , and I often come across anti-feminists who say that women take menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth as their biggest achievements. Still, male feminists love to brownnose women that menstruation , pregnancy , and childbirth are things men can never go through and come back alive. LOL. Biological functions are not achievements. Men can certainly go through menses, pregnancy, and childbi...

Do Not Let Anyone Invalidate Your Experience

    How Religious People Behave Like They Know It All about My Experience A Hindu religious twat took upon himself to diss me in the comment section of my first blog, 'Karma is Not a Bitch. Karma is Bullshit'.  He superimposed his beliefs as the supreme truth, ignoring my questions about universality. Anyway, I am used to such twats of all religions - they think the beliefs and Gods of other religions are wrong. I just say all of them are wrong.  Many people have the habit of dismissing your reality, pain, and situation and lend toxic positivity. Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about putting forth your opinion/experiences and making it sound like your opinion/experience represents everyone's in a situation where others cite their opposite opinion/experience. I get this a lot from the followers of my Facebook page - self-absorbed people are not exactly sparse.  This is from my Tumblr Don't Invalidate. Just Listen and Acknowledge - It Saves Liv...

A Believer in Science and Herself, not in God and Religion

Disclaimer:  I am only expressing my thoughts on this blog. I am neither imposing anyone to follow my atheism nor ordering anyone to stop believing in whatever they want to believe. You don't have any fucking right to invalidate my thoughts and impose your religiosity on me in the name of commenting. There are thousands of religious faith belief based blogs - go and croak there. I had written in my high school autograph that God is one of my favourite things. I would like to go back in time and slap myself silly for being such a dork.😂😂 My atheism kicked in as my rare genetic illness’ ( Wilson’s Disease , a copper metabolism-related disease) symptoms kicked in. It is not driven by anger coz of this disease’s debilitating manifestation or the question of “Why me?” It is driven by logical thinking and rationalism that built upon themselves gradually.👧👧 At the onset of my illness, divine intervention was the first choice for my family to cure me. It was in accordance with...

Karma is not a bitch – karma is bullshit.

Disclaimer:  I am only expressing my thoughts on this blog. I am neither imposing anyone to follow my atheism nor ordering anyone to stop believing in whatever they want to believe. You don't have any right to invalidate my thoughts and impose your religiosity on me in the name of commenting. There are thousands of religious faith belief based blogs - go and croak there. When faced with the unknown and hence petrifying situations, it is humans’ nature to reason them with their own understanding. That is how religions, rituals, superstition, metaphysics all came to manifest among us. That is how reincarnation and karma concepts came about as well. It’s perfectly fine to cling to such concepts when we don’t know better. But to continue to reason in such ways when science offers answers and solutions is not wise. I have a rare genetic disease known as Wilson’s Disease (WD). It’s a copper metabolism disease where I suffer from trace mineral copper toxicity. I can’t flush out th...