An Evangelist Christian vs Le Me
First, a little backstory about myself... Yep, this is me. I have a rare genetic disease but the diagnosis was delayed because the symptoms mimic that of other illnesses. I was fighting for my life, going in and out of hospitals, suffering extreme health complications until doctors confirmed that I won't survive. Nevertheless, I defied the medical prognosis. And my atheism took shape during those years as I studied my medical condition, trusting in science. I couldn't go to varsity because my disease's most severe symptoms hit when I was writing pre-university final exams, which I took in the hospital. After I stabilized, I was on an unstable income through online freelancing. I was also doing physiotherapy and occupational therapy at a center. This was the perfect opportunity for evangelist Christians at the center to convince me to become a born again Christian. It started with this particular church going lady giving me a small sum of money for two months and frequently ...