An Evangelist Christian vs Le Me

First, a little backstory about myself...

Yep, this is me.

I have a rare genetic disease but the diagnosis was delayed because the symptoms mimic that of other illnesses. I was fighting for my life, going in and out of hospitals, suffering extreme health complications until doctors confirmed that I won't survive. Nevertheless, I defied the medical prognosis. And my atheism took shape during those years as I studied my medical condition, trusting in science.

I couldn't go to varsity because my disease's most severe symptoms hit when I was writing pre-university final exams, which I took in the hospital. After I stabilized, I was on an unstable income through online freelancing. I was also doing physiotherapy and occupational therapy at a center. This was the perfect opportunity for evangelist Christians at the center to convince me to become a born again Christian.

It started with this particular church going lady giving me a small sum of money for two months and frequently visiting my house, persuading me to attend their church's pastoral sessions. Insisting that "only Jesus can save me," the lady brought a pastor from India to my house and tried to convince my mom and I to convert there and then.

"I should "try" Jesus ah... Sounds necrophiliac coz that guy is long dead..."
He started with, "You tried Ganesha and Vishnu. Now try our Jesus. You will be completely cured by His mercy." I retorted, "I didn't "try" Ganesha and Vishnu to "try" Jesus now - it sounds like a weird fetish. I am already cured by medical maintenance therapy. I am now looking for a job and sustainable income, not "try" gods."

"If Jesus is that capable of curing illnesses and disability, why couldn't the Lord cure the people at the physiotherapy and occupational therapy center?"
The clergyman was rambling on about the power and love of the Lord - how His divine capabilities can bring the dead back to life. I was like, "No need to exhume the dead. Just cure the disabled children at the center, can? Or does the Lord only cures believers?" 

Meanwhile, my mom let me roast the preacher because she wants to remain a Hindu.
Failing to convince me, the pastor and lady turned to my mom. They said that if we convert, then we'll get an amount of money, groceries, and other essentials every month. I interjected, "Is this how your Lord works? Looks like money is more powerful than His grace and divinity here."

Shameless people, you use a person's illness, vulnerability, and adversity to get them to convert?
I gave the pastor a piece of my mind. "Instead of taking advantage of sick, poor, and disabled people's dire circumstances to further your religious ends, you should drink their p!$$ like how Hinjoos drink cow p!$$."

That lady and the pastor by now: "Sothulayum adi vangiachi, sethulayum adi vangiachi."
As the pastor and the lady left, they told my mom, "Your insolent daughter is possessed by the Devil." I yelled back that I don't believe in the devil either - I slept well after watching Constantine!"

People who leverage one's disadvantaged circumstance for their self- gain deserve public flogging.
Yes, don't let anyone ride you. Stand your ground. Work on yourself. That itself will save you and enable you to thrive in ways no God and organized religion ever will.


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