Of Mother's Milk, Public Breastfeeding, and Caste


Shriya Saran breastfed her on screen baby in Gamanam. The baby's mother was sick and unable to feed the child and Shriya stepped in to nurse the child throughout the shooting. She also breastfed the child in Gamanam, 15 minutes before the climax. She didn't act but lived as a mother - however the Indian censor board cut the scene because "breastfeeding is vulgar and shan't be permitted."

The film crew wanted to arrange infant formula for the baby but Shriya wouldn't have it - she chose to nurse the baby with her milk. She has a policy of not endorsing any processed food because she believes that commercialized victuals damage health. So, she simply shared her milk as a mother.   

Shriya was asked if she'd do the now censored breastfeeding scene in Gamanam openly and she said that not even nip covers are required because it's an act of nourishment and there is no shame in breastfeeding openly. Shriya could breast feed her daughter publicly in Europe but closer to home, an FIR was filed against her for breastfeeding in public.

Had Shriya married a local South Asian gremlin, he'd be ballistic and prohibit and denigrate her noble intent of nourishing a hungry child with nature's best. "You don't know what caste and lineage that baby is from and you breastfed it?" Shriya's husband, Andrei Koscheev swelled in pride when she nursed that baby.

This isn't the only incident where Shriya's maternal instincts kicked in and she rushed to a hungry baby's aid. On the sets of Drishyam 2, a woman employee brought her baby to work - she was a single mother. Shriya breastfed the baby when the mother was busy and the baby was continuously crying out of hunger.

The local living things on the set of Drishyam 2 weren't happy with Shriya nursing a Dalit baby so they advised her husband Andrei Koscheev in broken English, "Tell madam not to give milk." Lol, these gnomes even feel entitled to a mother's milk - they want to tell who should a woman feed her milk to. Shriya didn't give a damn. She nursed those babies without any expectations for weeks.

Andrei Koscheev is nothing like these local gremlins and on sets - he loves to tell the XYs on set asking about his job that he's a house husband to annoy them. He is actually a businessman who owns a plant in Russia - he makes money as he sleeps. These daft living things advise Andrei to work so he can control Shriya. 😂

Women donate breast milk to babies that need it, especially if they have hyperlactation. But only Indians can tag a mother's breast milk with caste. Shriya annoyed a lot of such XYs. She didn't see caste. All she wanted was to help little babies with her available resource. These local gremlins find this disgusting and then ogle at breastfeeding mothers.

What Shriya did is basic humanity. But because of these XY's obsession with caste, even life-giving white gold mothers express is being dictated per caste. Shriya belongs to an oppressive caste and these dimwits who belong to the same sub caste couldn't take her breastfeeding a Dalit baby.

Only these local gremlins can sexualize breastfeeding. A male board member of Indian censorship body who cut Shriya's breastfeeding scene in Gamanam said that the filmmakers are looking for cheap publicity. Well, his mother would've breastfed him for cheap publicity. Hiding breastfeeding from Indian men is why they find the act of a woman feeding her child sexually arousing.


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