Theeya Velai Seiyanum Kumar-u Review - Late But Latest

I happened to watch Theeya Velai Seiyyanum Kumar-u on Friday for the first time.

From Minnale to Ghajinikanth, Tamil movies are portraying women as incredibly stupid and men as masters of prevarications.

I don’t understand why Tamil movies are so keen on making men with desirable qualities villainous while men who cheat women, think women are stupid, and have no qualms to indulge in deception, heroic.

By now, I think it’s subliminal for Tamil men. One tried the same dishonest technique at me and when I exposed him, Tamil men began to support him, even accused me of lying. I just hate to be thought of as stupid and easily manipulated as a woman. That was why I exposed him. I suppose Tamil men want women to be stupid, forgiving, and then accepting liars, Janus-faced douches, and impostors like the heroines of Minnale, Remo, Theeya Velai Seiyyanum Kumar-u etc. The shit that is fed to us will need decades of undoing. I have never seen a Tamil movie depicting women as intelligent.

Women in Tamil movies are reduced to have an IQ of a mango and in a world where women need to prove themselves worthy of doing things effectively, this just annoys me.

Anyway, in TVSK, the character George is genuine. He is honest about his feelings. When Sanjana wants to breakup, he readily agrees, respecting her call and doesn’t stalk or pester her. That’s a desirable man, right there. Even Usithamani Ambi demands a “concrete reason” for Nandini rejecting him.

What’s worse in TVSK is that particular female colleague of Kumar’s and that assistant of Mokia. These women aid men to cheat other women by making good, innocent men, appear bad, in this case, George. Also, a man who attracts a lot of female attention isn’t bad as a woman who attracts a lot of male attention isn’t contemptible. Sanjana’s friends also stupidly categorize men. Apparently, to make a good-looking man staying attracted to his girlfriend/lover/spouse is a Herculean task – “Other women will always hover around like raptors, striking and taking him when you least expect it.” Ghilli tangachi objectifies men, pays no regard to men’s consent and says that women are boyfriend snatchers.

The plot of TSVK is true aft ho – in the context of yes all men. It’s about men trying to protect their sisters from men like them. If I may draw an analogy, it would be men looking for well-to-do men for their sisters and then complain about how women look for well-to-do men.

Kumar is insecure and accuses George of being a bad guy and desperately tries to prop his image up at Sanjana. What’s with this inferiority complex in Tamil men? Why do you think you’re average and demonize other men? Confidence is sexy, insecurity isn’t. Ungalku enna da kore? Jammu nu irkinga. Stand in from of a mirror daily and say, “Hi handsome.” You needn’t degrade other men to make yourself look good in front of women.

Santhanam’s brand of comedy is nauseating as usual. He reduces women to guinea pigs – experiment materials before the original material is approached. It reminded me of Theeratha Vilayatu Pillai. But if a woman talks to 2 men, with no vested interests, it’s even justified for her lover to stab her to death = comments from TN men about the news of a man murdering a girl coz she rejected him.

TVSK is a must watch movie for the #notallmen brigade. You’ll understand why #yesallmen is justified from a male perspective.


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