Annapoorani Hurt Brahmin Sentiments, not Hindu Sentiments


Netflix removed the movie Annapoorani due to backlash from "Hindus" who claimed that it hurt "Hindu sentiments" for portraying a "Hindu woman" eating meat and inter-religious romance = "love jihad."

I watched Annapoorani and I didn't like the movie per se because of its tenuous and haphazard storyline.

Now, although I'm a self-proclaimed atheist, my Hindu family members eat meat - from chicken to monitor lizard meat. Vegetarian offerings to Gods, and deceased family members are recent and due to BRAHMINISM, not HINDUISM. When I was a kid, my family used to offer meat, liquor, and cigars to our "clan gods" and deceased family members and they are Hindus then and now. 

Brahminism brainwashing that meat is lowly and sacrilegious has poisoned the Malaysian Hindu community as well. In a bid to disassociate themselves from the Brahmin-induced idea that eating meat is reprehensible, the Hindus in Malaysia were made to believe that their original Hindu tradition is desecration and they succumbed to "Brahmin tradition." This is the root that drove the ban of Annapoorani.  

Not eating meat anyway isn't Brahmin/Hindu tradition - Brahmins were rapacious meat eaters, particularly beef. Their appetite for beef was so enormous, cattle for agriculture suffered shortage. They actually SACRIFICED their meat diet and embraced vegetarianism to regain their superior status which Buddhist monks were getting due to their "don't kill animals unnecessarily" clarion call. To prove that Brahmins are above Buddhist monks, they "sacrificed" their meat eating dietary habits and became "pure vegetarians." They then literally introduced "holy cows" and systematically relegated those who eat meat, especially beef. Finally, when Brahmins got into agriculture (not to mention other professions) they spread anti-beef eating agenda far and wide so they can have cattle to till their lands - the lands were donations from rich landlords. And it's only the average human psychological tendency to try to acquire superiority - hence Malaysian Indian Hindus abandoning meat eating or at least not offering clan gods and ancestors meat anymore.

The movie Annapoorani was removed from Netflix for hurting religious sentiments.

Can export and make money out of beef as Hindus. Just cannot eat. 

Top beef exporters in India are Hindu Brahmins who got filthy rich by doing meat business using their high-tech, sanitized butchering, freezing, and storing facilities. Then they say a movie portraying a Hindu Brahmin girl cooking and eating meat is offensive to Hindu sentiments. Gau raksha groups lynch and beat up Indian Muslims over suspicion of cow slaughter and beef possession. But nothing is done against these Hindu Brahmins who export beef.

List of India's largest beef exporting companies owned by oppressive caste Hinjoos:
1) Al-Kabeer Exports Pvt. Ltd.
Owners: Mr. Shatish &Mr. Atul Sabharwal
Address: 92, Jolly makers, Chembur Mumbai 400021
2) Arabian Exports Pvt.Ltd.
Owner: Mr.Sunil Kapoor
Address: Russian Mansions, Overseas, Mumbai 400001
3) M.K.R Frozen Food Exports Pvt. Ltd.
Owner: Mr. Madan Abott.
Address: MG Road, Janpath, New Delhi 110001
4) P.M.L Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Owner: Mr. A.S Bindra
Address: S.C.O 62-63, Sector -34-A, Chandigarh 160022

AL Kabeer Exports has a branch in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and every time sacrifice festival comes, Malaysian Indian Hindus cry for the cows. LOL.

Note this. When they need you to stand up to e.g., Udhayanidhi Stalin for saying "Sanatana Dharma must be dismantled, it's, "All Hindus are brothers and sisters."

When you want to enter the temple sanctum, it's "You're not a Brahmin. Only Brahmins have the right." 

If you're still blind to this disparity within the caste system that holds up the religion, no God can save you. 

Movies like Jodhaa Akbar, Veer Zara, Ranjhannaa, Bombay, Thirumanam Enum Nikkah, Paava Manippu, Pokkisham, and, Kovil all have interfaith elements. How come those movies didn't "offend" or considered mocking Hindu cultural and traditional values? They all released before 2014. Admit that India is being ruined by politicians playing religious cards just like Malaysia as we speak. 

I don't believe in heaven or hell. Saabam vidama unga Brahmeenism oda hypocrisy ah paarunga. (Instead of cursing people who ask questions you can't answer, reflect on your Brahmin hypocrisy.) 

Isn't it Brahmeen tradition to not cross the sea? So, what is Vivek Swaminathan doing in the US? By right and by now, Brahmins should have sued Sundar Pichai as he defiled the Brahmin culture and tradition by going overseas.

If  Brahmins are not so intent in highlighting their "topmost" status, insisting on their casteist ways, and have an inferior outlook on others, why would this even be an issue? 

I am totally for changing traditions per time's necessity and I definitely applaud the defiance of the tradition barring overseas travel. But when Brahmins changed their tradition and go overseas for better opportunities, becoming doctors, engineers, lecturers, restaurateurs, why is a movie featuring a Brahmin woman chef cooking and eating meat not accepted? Why this double standards? 

Brahmins ventured into all kinds of jobs - but they play dirty with the caste hierarchy to prevent others from becoming priests. 

Anyone who accepts change in every aspect would have my respect.  First you must understand that. It's not even hate - just pinpointing your hypocrisy and the damage you did.


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