Minnale From Rajiv Samuel's POV


If you watch Minnale from Rajiv Samuel's (Abbas) point of view, Rajesh (Madhavan) is the villain.

As a kid, I never saw Minnale from Rajiv Samuel's POV. To me, he was just a rich ladies' man who played gooseberry between Rajesh and Reena.

Now though, I understood that Rajiv is the hero I villainized.

Let's look at the factors that rendered this change of heart due to the characterization of Rajiv.

1. Rajiv stops his wedding with Reena at the altar as soon as he realized her unhappy countenance. He asks her if she loves him and explains his position that he won't be able to live happily married to her if she isn't wholeheartedly into him. 👌

Among the men who accost women for stopping weddings in the dais, talking about their shattered dreams, Rajiv shines as an example of not being simple-minded. He understands that if Reena isn't entirely consenting to marry him, life won't be good. Marriage, love, and friendship are a two-way street. If one party doesn't want to involve in the relationship, letting go is the right thing to do. Forcing isn't going to end well. Rajiv preaches this simple concept by valuing brutal honesty. 

2. Rajiv is honest about himself and carries himself as a bona fide person. He establishes his abhorrence toward Rajesh while vowing friendship with Reena. I mean, such a candid and cool guy. 😎

Talking about honesty, Rajesh doesn't only expect honesty, he is honest as well. Though he may sound arrogant for not accepting Rajesh's "Friends?" gesture, faking a friendship is worse than the seeming arrogance - he doesn't want fake relationships with Reena or Rajesh. 

3. Rajiv doesn't treat women like property. He tells Rajesh, "She likes you only," not, "She's yours." Reena's agency over herself isn't invaded. It's about her making the decision and him respecting it. 💓

Need I say more? He stole my heart by that single line. 

4. Rajiv doesn't act like a savior or soup boys cursing women for breaking up with them. He knows his worth and establishes that at Rajesh - "I'm a better man than you, any day."

Indeed, Rajiv Samuel is a better man than Rajesh and it took us years to realize it.


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