The Vicious Cycle of Indian Mommy's Boys
This is prevalent in Indian societies across the world. Indian men continue being "Mommy's Boy" after marriage. And Indian men's mommies continue to baby their married sons, reducing their wives into maids at the behest of the matriarchs aka slave driver.
Although this is a first world problem, the core is the husband giving more importance to his parents and family than his wife. This is common in all families in Indian society. This woman is privileged so she filed for a divorce. But millions of Indian women live in this situation which society deems "normal" and "right.
Wives who's needs aren't met by their husbands become obsessed with their sons and raise them as "mommy's little princes," who only listen and fulfill their moms' wishes. Those moms who are deprived of love, attention, importance, and affection from their husbands try to gain all of it through sons which again leads to sons neglecting their wives who in turn get obsessed with sons. It's a vicious cycle.
It stems from husbands not giving due attention, respect, and importance to their wives. And moms are shit scared that their daughters-in-law would "steal their sons" by changing their minds. They fear their sons not giving them the utmost importance now there's another woman. One should understand that moms cling on their married sons because their husbands clung to their mothers, keeping their wives at arm's length. Without the son, the mom feels utterly abandoned. Hence, the mom takes every step to assert her superiority at the daughter-in-law, repeat that she is an "outsider who came yesterday," and bank on mother sentiment and emotional blackmail to keep her son under her feet.
The byproduct of men giving more importance to their mommies is "Mommy's Armpit Princes." If he wants thosai when the working wife already steamed idli, the monster-in-law will demand she do what he wants. This way, the bond between mom and her manbaby strengthens, creating a deeper wedge between man and wife.
These men rely on their mommies to live on in their comfort zone, get waited hand and foot, his every whim and fancy, fulfilled. How are Indian women raised anyway? "Adjust and compromise with your husband and mother-in-law. Only then you preserve our honor as your parents."
No woman actually adjusts and compromises - she tolerates the injustices meted on her by her mommy boy husband and his mommy. All the while, she trains son to be a manbaby and a hypnotized idiot whose brain synapses are controlled by her, making him her pawn. The matriarch will do everything to establish her status that she's the most important person in her son's life. If the wife wants to go on a honeymoon in Goa, the mother-in-law would butt in and express her wish to go to Ayodhya as a family trip. Of course, the Mommy's Boy fulfills his mother's wish.
Now some Indian men enslaved to their moms will say that wife is replaceable. Mom isn't. That's why mothers are first priority. Ok - you're replaceable as husbands and we'll prioritize our parents over you. How does that sound?
Keeping wife first isn't neglecting your family. Your wife has a family too. But as soon as she's married to you, she leaves her family and you become her world. It's only fair if she becomes your world too. Take care of both sides of the family. Prioritizing your spouse doesn't mean abandoning your birth family.
If you check the mothers who raised their sons as mommy's princes, they often don't possess financial security and independence. They are unable to take care of their own needs. They are in the patriarchal trap of - dependent, on father as a girl - dependent, on husband as a woman - dependent, on son as an old lady. That assertive and dominant matriarch status is also a sign of helplessness. That's why women empowerment is men empowerment. An enslaved woman cannot raise an independent man.
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