Decoding Men on Social Media: Blocking


When some guy on social media DMs tell me to block him if I won't talk to him.

I don't understand. Why must a woman block you if she is uninterested? You won't respect and acknowledge her feelings and leave her alone?

Asking women to block you if she doesn't want to chat with you is the same as telling women to cover up if she doesn't want to be harassed.

Yup. Because you put the onus on women to protect themselves. You will keep texting until she blocks you. Then you will do the same to other women and perpetuate the cycle.

Why is it a woman's responsibility to keep you away from her on social media? You won't take the responsibility as a civilized human being and back off from disturbing another person?

Dei, you guys keep flirting with women in DMs despite clear disinterest, only stopping and apologizing after she creates an imaginary boyfriend just to escape from you. Mairu, a non-existent boyfriend has more power than a woman's verbalized discomfort.  

Another shitty thing men in social media DMs do is flirt with women who aren't into it. The woman would've told such a guy to stop it, that she's uncomfortable, and that she doesn't engage in casual flirts. None of these reasons are enough for these guys to stop. They only stop when the woman says she has a boyfriend. Because a boyfriend's feelings are more powerful than a woman's individual autonomy. They also have this bro code: "I don't want another man's curse." 

Ok, I can block in social media. How do I block in real life? Until when would a guy importune me? Until I die by suicide? Only then he'll get the message?

In real life, I've taken different routes just to avoid guys who follow me to school, library, and bus station. I've avoided many guys after moving to a different neighborhood and school. A guy who was stalking and harassing me in the name of love when I was 13 and 14 only stopped after dying in an accident.

Are you men not ashamed, making women do all these shit so you would just leave us live in peace?


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