The Real Reason Feminists Oppose the Glorification of "Virginity" and Purity Culture

And neither do feminists. It's because what we do in our personal lives are not at the forefront here. And with my trust issues with men, I don't even talk to them, what more, bed them. More importantly, I am in a committed relationship and feminism didn't teach me to cheat on my partner. So, the joke's on you.

However, let's get personal. I am here to recount how this laser focus on virginity kudi muligify my valkai (ruined my life). 
Have you seen me as a 13 year old schoolgirl who wanted to excel in education? An 18 year old school dropout and gang member developed a covetous eye on me and gave me "love" torture wherever I went. One day, he followed me into my house and demanded me accept him as my boyfriend.

I said, "Sorry. No," politely. When he refused to leave without me giving him a positive response, I defended myself using an aerosol insect spray.
I bruised his male ego. And he decided that he would take away my "virginity" so I would have no choice but to accept him. He hatched a plan with his homies and cornered me in a dark, deserted alley when I was cycling home from tuition that night itself.

As he felt me up, bit my shoulder, attempted to undress me, and tried to take me to an abandoned shed to finish the "business", I suffered immensely.
None of that compares to what he told me. "I will see how you'll reject me now. I am going to defile you and take away your honor. You think you can go to school after I'm done with you?" I think he watched the movie Sethu one time too many. In the movie, Vikram threatens to kill Abithugajagaja if she won't accept him. This boy threatened to rape me because I refused him.

I was saved. The rape didn't happen. The boy died a year later in an accident. But the trauma he gave me is still alive and kicks in from time to time. Rape scenes trigger me.
I felt filthy for the longest time because I was "touched hence spoiled." I used to bathe a lot to get rid of the persistent disgusting feeling of my body being "impure." My academic performance dropped. I loathed myself. While his death brought respite, I only truly broke free when I was peeped on by my landlord's son while I was bathing. It was only then I realized that it's not my fault. It took three years.

So, when I see these 2K kids like AJ Bhairav and the alphies keep on saying "V card is important, purity is morality, past matters, physical relationship before marriage is unnecessary," I get infuriated.
Because, it's not so far for young boys to be influenced by this and rape girls who reject them so they are now "sullied" and have no way but to accept them. Is this morality? In fact, this is already happening - a guy was giving tips on how to get a beautiful young girl seated next to them during train travels. With technology being misused, it's only getting worse.

I tried to commit suicide by consuming my sinusitis medicine because I felt so "dirty." If I was raped by him, I might've done something more drastic to take my life. If I died, will these purity culture fookers take responsibility?
There are so many girls and women who committed suicide because their nudes leaked, or were sexually harassed. Only now, women are slowly coming out with their stories. Now by "fixing this generation" through purity culture, you're only pushing women to be insensible.

As a female, don't I have the right to choose? I didn't like the boy. So, I rejected him. Am I right in exercising my right or is he right to use my "virginity" as leverage to force me to accept him?
This glorification of virginity and purity culture strips women off the agency on their bodies and lives. As a teenage girl, I didn't want a gang member as my boyfriend. I wanted to do well in school. Here, my "virginity and purity" became my worst enemy. That's why I am so vocal against it. 

"It's okay if it's rape. That doesn't count. Only a high body count makes a woman a wh0re." 
Shameful. Ignominious. Reprehensible. A crime is okay but consensual, safe sex isn't? So are you saying what happened to me is okay? And what I do when I am 25, with a man I like, safely, with the correct information, with the mutual freedom of stopping when discomfort occurs, makes me a jezebel? I'll freaking flip if someone says that to my face. 

This meme is dedicated to people who are telling me that I am promoting premarital sex, debauchery, encouraging lies about "virginity", glorifying sex, having a boyfriend, and cheating men by hiding our past. 
All I am promoting are sex education, correct information, opposition of pornography, parental guidance, adult supervision, responsibility, safety, proper medical care, and the related empowerment.

"But we are saying that men who sleep around, not saving their virginity for their future wives are also contemptible."
And you call such men "rusted rods" while boasting about your "virgin" selves as "steel rods." Allah, Muruga, Jesus, Yahweh... When I oppose likening women to "gold" and men to "stainless steel", what makes you think I won't oppose objectifying men like that? We're malleable human beings with free will, not elements on the periodic table.

Purity culture neither promotes morality nor ensures women's safety.
As a 13 year old girl, I believed in purity culture like that gangster boy. Did it keep me safe and the boy moralistic? When you suppress and distort something as natural as sex, it will backfire. Countries with the most purity culture have the most sexual assault incidents that are underreported. The core culture hinders victims from coming out as it's considered "dishonor." The judicial system and purity culture work hand in glove, denying justice for victims.

"Virginity" kills. "Virginity" is injurious to women's health.
In countries with purity culture, women are killed/divorced/eschewed if they don't bleed during first night. 63% of women don't bleed during first intercourse. Around 230 million girls and women were subjected to female genital mutilation. Their clitoris is severed and their vaginal opening is partially sewed up. Women are killed after their rape or punished for their own rape while the rapists walk free/get a slap on the wrist. Victims are forced to marry their rapists.

Severe sexual repression and rigid social norms governing interaction between the sexes, has given rise to rife sexual harassment and a cultural obsession with women's virginity.
It amplifies men's insecurity and the thought process that women are objects to be acquired, not equal human beings. This adds up, making men sexually desperate, entitled, and not onboard with boundaries.

"No seal. No deal."
Virginity didn't go extinct in the Jurassic period. It didn't exist then and doesn't exist now. It's a patriarchal social construct. It was because that boy thought if he opened my "seal" I would be his "deal" was I put through the horrific sexual assault. Like I said, repress something natural and it will screw you. If that boy was someone brought up in the Netherlands, chances of him doing that to me drop because he is not likely to think "One man, one woman. She rejected me. If I became her man through forced intercourse, she would have no choice but to become my woman." 

The "one woman, one man" concept is harmful because it prevents you from leaving an abusive relationship/marriage.
When you keep preaching that one man and one woman is the be all and end all, abusive people will use it to keep their partners in the toxic relationship/marriage. Women are especially vulnerable. Stop thinking superficially and having a false sense of morality.

Of course, this is how purity culture makes men - this meme says it all - for them, getting women is the be all and end all caused by the interception of normal interaction across genders.
Did you see sex memes by Indian men? They don't even spare their own mom. You combine freely available porn, objectification of women, and purity culture and it's a recipe for disaster. Another problem is caused by male entitlement motivated by casteism. I saw chats from 40+ married, wealthy oppressor caste men in the conservative Kovai belt saying that "beautiful" SC girls are theirs to r@pe and enjoy. And they do it and brag about it to each other. Morality my foot.

I am not saying such depravity doesn't happen in liberal countries. It happens but is not as prevalent, systemic, and flagrant. 

None of you bother to see the big picture. All of you are bloodthirsty vampires. No offense to Drac - bleh, bleh, bleh.
When a feminist opposes "virginity" all you fartbreaths can only conclude that it's for unlimited premarital sex, having multiple boyfriends, adoption of western culture, and libertine conduct. From now on, picture the image of a 6 year old girl being held down, and have her genitals mutilated by rusty iron tools, get sewed up so her husband can cut the stitches, rape her injured, bleeding nether regions and she going through excruciating pain every time during sex.


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