I heard about the Anna University sexual assault case. And I applaud the courage of the victim going to the police, leading to the arrest of Gnanasekaran, a porn addict cum sexual predator with 13 cases filed against him. Rightfully he should've been incarcerated long back.

The scourge of our society has always been blaming women for their sexual assault, letting the perpetrators off the hook. Right now, the Anna University victim is being chastised for being intimate with a man in university premises. Apparently these type of activities among youngsters is causing moral decay. 

How I feel when Indian society says what two young adults do consensually is moral decay while watching the millions of Indian rape videos on porn sites.

I read a comment from a guy that if women behave well, not showing what is not supposed to be shown, then men will behave well.

Me who was catcalled by men who knew where I lived from the road across my house, when I was at my table, by my window, as I was preparing for my public exam, self-studying at home for more than eight hours a day: Ahaan.

To be honest, I was sexually harassed the most when I was in school as a minor. After adulthood and with my cultivated sharp mouth, it's reduced so much. 

The sexual harassment I faced peaked when I was 13. You may blame me for going to school during the day and tuition at night following AJ Bhairav - that if I stayed at home, I wouldn't have been harassed...

Right? Wrong.

I lived in a rented annex with my mom from when I was 12 up to when I was 16. My Chinese landlord's sons used to torment me sexually back to back. They were teenagers just like I was. Chinese, Indian, perverts exist in every race.

The elder one (two years older than me) used to peep on me bathing and using the bathroom. I found out that he was a peeping Tom when I was 13. I told my mother and she said she knows - he did the same thing to my mother.

The course of action to prevent that boy from peeping on us keeping clean and answering nature's calls was stuffing newspaper in the wooden planks' crevices on top of the bathroom where he was peeping from. He removed the stuffed newspaper and resumed peeping. We'd stuff. He'd remove - it was ongoing. 

Were my mother and I safe at home like AJ Bhairav guaranteed us? No? Then shut up.

Then the younger brother started. He would stand at the clearing opposite my room's window and masturbate looking at me studying at my table. The clothes I wore were baggy tees and long pants. 

I was so mortified, I kept my room window closed whenever I studied or just lived in that rented room which was my entire house. Yet, he didn't stop doing it - even with the windows closed.

This torture at home went on until I was 15. In lieu of my sexual torment from men and boys where I lived and anywhere I went, I was appointed as a student disciplinarian at school. I needed to be strict and ensure that students follow the rules - sometimes I scolded students who broke the rules - sometimes I stared straight at them to make them understand that they're breaching the school's code of conduct.

I took both to get back at the relentless Chinese boys harassing me at home.

When the younger brother did that thing again at my room window, I opened the window and stared at him angrily. I stared straight into his eyes. After about two minutes, he got uncomfortable and put his yellow junk back into his pants.

Then, he slinked away. I sustained my stare until he disappeared into his house. He never came by my room window again.

Next, I caught his elder brother, the Peeping Tom red-handed, at my bathroom door - he skedaddled after I came out from the bathroom.
I decided that stuffing newspaper won't do anymore and wrote a caustic rebuke on a piece of paper, noting that his parents are good people - what would they do if I told them that their son had been peeping on their female tenants doing their bathroom business. I also asked if he peeps on his eldest sister and mother doing their bathroom business.

I scrunched the note into a ball, called him out, and threw it in his face, saying, "Read that."
The next day, I found his apology note when I returned home from school. He begged me not to tell his parents, writing at length that he's sorry and learned his lesson.

This was a powerful lesson for me too - they are only powerful until you're afraid. Retaliate and they'll run.

Later, I learned another thing. Men don't do this for sex. They orgasm when women are afraid and show it. The Chinese brothers duo liked it when their victims stuffed newspaper and closed the window. That's why they continued the harassment. They liked the torment we endured silent and the fact we didn't consent. It excited them.  

When I confronted them, I killed their excitement. It was no longer orgasmic because I was no longer frightful. So they stopped. 

All you have to do is stand up for yourself. 

Yes, the elder brother saw me nude many times. I didn't stop living because of that. I aced my exams, got a well-paying job, and I am living a good life despite disabilities from a late diagnosis of a rare genetic illness. My dignity, honor, and self-respect lie in what I do with my human abilities, not my cleavage and how many times men saw me nude, especially without my consent.

poi wally ssed thIe most when I was in school. After adulthood and with my mouth, it's reduced so much. Proof that men are not after sex but dominance and power over the weak


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